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The Detroit Red Wings took inspiration for their name and winged-wheel logo from a Montreal-based cycling club. While the team’s players have been known to move about the ice at great speed, they never actually fly — until this week.

Defenseman Danny DeKeyser spent a day at Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Michigan where he sampled life in the air at 700 mph courtesy the Navy’s Blue Angels. DeKeyser got to pull 5.9 G’s on the ascent and 6.5 during the flight after being counseled to take a deep breath.


All Blue Angels team members come from the ranks of regular Navy and United States Marine Corps units. The demonstration pilots are made up of Navy and USMC Naval Aviators and serve a two to three year stint.

''Takeoff? I wasn't ready for that. Once we took off it was boom we're up there. Now I realize what these guys do and the stuff that they train for is pretty crazy...”
— Danny DeKeyser, on taking a ride with the Blue Angels