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Earlier we busted the protein myth with an impressive list of elite vegan bodybuilders including Frank Medrano, Jon Venus, Torre Washington and Nimai Delgado. Here’s a second installment of up-and-coming, plant-powered trainers, fitness models and iron junkies.


Remson Noire is a vegan fitness coach with a dozen years of experience, who created the YouTube channel Tribe by Noire to educate viewers on nutrition, training and personal development.

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You're not going to consistently get up before the sun, travel through harsh weather, and work your ass off for your transformation if you think like a regular person. Regular people don't last long on this path. Its too easy to opt out. It's too easy to dodge the coach. It's too easy to make excuses. Regular people set goals with words like "some" "just" "a little bit" "nothing too crazy". The interesting thing about being regular is that its a choice that you can stop making once you get sick of it and pissed off enough to change. I'm looking forward to you reaching that point. #veganbodybuilding #veganfitness #vegains #veganpersonaltrainer #fuckaverage #fitnessmotivationdaily #bodytransformation #tribebynoire

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Judging by his chiseled physique, it would seem Noire is definitely on to some good stuff…


San Diego-based Brian Turner has been bodybuilding for a decade now. Over the latter half of those years, he became as passionate about what he puts into his body as how it looks from the outside.

Turner is completely bananas about one fruit in particular, which one can probably deduce from the above picture — without the need for a “bunch” of guesses.


Bodybuilder Chris Moore turned to veganism as an alternative to the drugs his doctor prescribed him for his stress and anxiety. What started out as a month-long experiment in 2017 has now become a way of life.

When he’s not in the gym or prepping a vegan feast, you might find Moore hiking in the California backwoods with his son, Marley, hitching a ride.


Jonathan Irizarry has a build which would lead one to believe he’s half bear, which may in part explain his penchant for blueberries (and watermelons, dates, mangos, strawberries, apples, etc.).

The fruit and veggie diet has paid off for Irizarry, who sports biceps the sizes of melons and veins that pop-out like string beans.