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With Dude Perfect’s Airplane Trick Shots and its sequel proving to be viral hits on YouTube, the boys from Frisco, Texas decided to follow the glider-based videos with a motorized version…


Dude Perfect’s RC Airplane Battle had the crew competing in three events to determine the ultimate aerial master of the Lone Star State. Tyler Toney got off to a strong start with victory in the opening round as he was able to stay aloft longer than any of the others as they piloted their planes around an indoor obstacle course.

Toney then tied Coby Cotton for the top spot in the second round — a challenge wherein a 8-character code had to be read from a camera mounted in the plane’s nose while being peppered with enemy fire — and the two advanced to the final round.

In the Troop Drop challenge, Cotton and Toney attempted to drop model paratroopers from their respective RC airplanes to see who could land one closer to the United States flag target. Cotton pulled out his second ever Dude Perfect battle victory by landing one of his flyboys just twelve feet from the drop zone.


If you want to get into the RC airplane hobby yourself, the top-rated Amazon offering is the amazing Carbon Cub S+ from HobbyZone. Price at three Benjamins, its not cheap, but its safety features, that help prevent runaway planes and crash landings, more than pay for themselves over time.